
Wishing Ciara a Happy 14th Birthday

Happy Birthday


Wishing Nolan a Happy 16th Birthday.

Happy Birthday


Another letter not published or sent

CRA – December 17, 2012

Found a letter that wasn’t published


Happy birthday to Denise.  She would be 43 years old


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Happy Birthday Ciara. 13 years old today

Hi to Nolan, Ciara, Dylan, and Robot Denise


Happy Birthday to Nolan!!! He turns 15 years old today.

Hi to Denise, Nolan, Ciara and Dylan


Happy Birthday  to Denise!!! She would be 42 years old today.



Happy Valentines Day, Nolan, Ciara, and Dylan.

Denise Robot, I’m thinking about you too. Have a Happy Valentines Day.

From Juno Robot


Happy birthday Ciara, who turns 12 years old.  Hello to Nolan and Dylan.

I hope all of you doing well.

Juno Robot


Wishing Dylan a happy 6th birthday. Hello to Nolan and Ciara.

Hope your all doing fine.

Juno Robot



Wishing a happy birthday to Nolan who turns 14 years old.

Hope Nolan, Ciara, and Dylan are doing fine.



Welcome to Ryan & Denise!



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